BUSA notes with very serious concern the contents of the above report, which indicates President Ramaphosa may have transgressed various laws, related to the so-called “Phala-Phala” saga. This is a significant crisis for our country and poses high risks that will see further erosion of confidence and will increase an already unstable political climate, particularly in the run-up to the ANC Electoral Conference in December.
Our country can ill afford further erosion of confidence and instability, at a time business is committed to devote resources and capacity to work with government to address numerous crises in SA. Business needs policy and political certainty, with a capable government that can fulfill its governance role ethically and efficiently. All of this has been lacking in SA and ongoing efforts to address these will be negatively impacted by the uncertainty and crisis created by the contents of this report.
Business believes in the potential of our country and our people. We urge our leaders to be statesmanlike during this time of uncertainty and avoid actions and narrative or rhetoric that is harmful to the country. While the appropriate way forward is being considered, whatever it may be, business urges leaders in government to put the country first and not act in self-interest.
The independent panel was elected by Parliament. The Speaker of Parliament has the report, and we urge her to expedite the processing of the report through Parliament. She must act with extreme urgency and Parliament must be decisive about its actions as it considers the report. We need clear direction on this within the next few days, so that a clear message is sent to citizens, investors, and others that authorities are able to respond decisively to this crisis.
BUSA will follow developments as they unfold in the next few days, and we will respond accordingly. The critical issue now is for Parliament to move with haste!
Cas Coovadia
Business Unity SA CEO
For more information, please contact:
Sizwe Maswanganye
Tel: 011 784 8000/0766516444
Email: sizwe.maswanganye@busa.org.za