28 September 2021

Business Unity South Africa mourns the passing of Vassi Naidoo

BUSA notes with extreme shock and sadness the passing of Vassi Naidoo, after a long illness. Vassi was a true gentleman, a consummate professional, a patriot and a champion of transformation in the auditing profession, and in business broadly.


“I had the distinct pleasure of working with Vassi when I was MD at BASA and he was the Chairman of Nedbank, which he was when he passed on. I was impressed by his commitment, passion, and dedication to serving our country. He was the first black CEO of a major auditing firm when he served as CEO at DeLoitte, and later as Chairman for Africa.”


SA has lost a patriot, a professional and a gentleman. We offer our heartfelt condolences to his wife, Sheila, and daughter, Carmeni




Cas Coovadia

Business Unity SA CEO


For more information, please contact:

Sizwe Maswanganye

Tel: 011 784 8000

Email: sizwe.maswanganye@busa.org.za

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