Business Unity South Africa (BUSA) is the recognised voice at the National Economic Development and Labour Council (Nedlac) for business – representing businesses across all sectors, sizes and formats in the economy.
The BUSA Board formally advised the Black Business Council (BBC) on 11 May 2017 of the termination of cooperation in Nedlac. The decision follows the lapse of the 2012 – 2015 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between BUSA and the BBC. The MoU provided the cooperative framework for promoting the interests of business in Nedlac, which previously enabled the BBC representatives to participate in Nedlac proceedings through the BUSA seat.
Regrettably, notwithstanding numerous efforts, the two parties were unable to reach an agreement on the terms of a new framework for participation.
Therefore, the BBC will no longer be represented through BUSA at Nedlac. This does not prevent the BBC from seeking their own seat at Nedlac in line with the Nedlac Act and Constitution.
BUSA does not believe that there is merit on commenting on the BBC release. The decision, to terminate the participation of the BCC through BUSA in Nedlac, was taken unanimously by the BUSA Board. It was informed by recent developments at Nedlac where it became apparent that BBC and BUSA were not aligned in relation to key issues facing the economy. Such issues included the impact of the downgrade and on matters of monetary policy, as well as the most appropriate way to address these issues.
As the representative voice of all business, BUSA remains committed to working with all organised business formations and stakeholders across the broader spectrum of society, including the BBC, within the spirit of co-operation, accountability, collaboration and mutual respect.