
About BUSA

About BUSA

Business Unity South Africa (BUSA) is the apex business organisation representing South African business. We are the formally recognised representative of business at the National Economic Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC). BUSA also represents business on various bilateral processes with the government. In addition, BUSA makes submissions in Parliament, and to other structures and processes on various matters that affect business. BUSA also represents business on various state institution boards and on numerous global organisations.

Our broad objective is to facilitate an environment for profitable and sustainable business.

BUSA was formed in October 2003 and began operating in January 2004. This created the first representative and unified organisation for business in South Africa. Today, through its extensive membership base, BUSA represents the private sector as the largest federation of business organisations in terms of GDP and employment contribution.

BUSA Overview

BUSA is a non-profit company representing cross-cutting organised business interests in South Africa. The total number of BUSA members is 65 in total and represents:

  • Uni-sectoral organisations
  • Associations
  • Corporate representative organisations
  • Chambers of commerce & industry
  • Professional organisations
  • Associate members.

We also have a limited number of corporate members, capped at 16 corporates.

Representing business on international bodies

Internationally, BUSA represents SA business in:

  • The SADC Private Sector Forum
  • Business Africa
  • B20, the business arm of the G20
  • The International Organisation of the Employers (IOE) and the ILO Board of Governors via the IOE

BUSA’s Mandate

BUSA’s mandate is to enable businesses to play a constructive role within the context of South Africa’s economic growth, development, and transformation goals in achieving an environment in which businesses of all sizes and in all sectors can thrive, expand and be competitive both nationally and internationally.

BUSA’s work is largely focused on influencing policy and legislative development for an enabling environment for inclusive growth and employment. BUSA also, on issues of national interest, partners with the government to enable the government to build skills and capacity to make critical interventions in those areas.

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