BUSA wishes to congratulate the newly elected leadership of the BBC and looks forward to even closer collaboration between the two bodies.
Elias Monage who already serves on the Brics Business Council with BUSA representatives is an inspired choice for President. Tilson Manyoni, who continues as head of policy, has previously led the BUSA/BBC Task Team aimed at closer cooperation between the two organisations.
We also thank the outgoing leadership under President Sandile Zungu for their sterling efforts to reposition the organisation as a credible voice of black business that we can all be proud of. They took on the challenge of ensuring that this important organisation plays its part in driving the agenda for sustainable inclusive economic growth while simultaneously maintaining an unwavering focus on the transformation of our society.
We are confident that the new leadership will build on these achievements and make even greater strides. We wish them success.
Sipho Mila Pityana
Business Unity SA President
For more information, please contact:
Sizwe Maswanganye
Tel: 011 784 8000
Email: sizwe.maswanganye@busa.org.za