10 May 2018

BUSA welcomes President Ramaphosa’s appointment as co-chair of the ILO Global Commission on the Future of Work

Business Unity South Africa (BUSA) has welcomed the appointment of President Ramaphosa, as co-chair with Prime Minister of Sweden, Stefan Löfven, of the 28 member Commission, of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Global Commission on the Future of Work. The Commission, made up of experts from across the globe, is assessing the rapid transformations taking place globally in the world of work, and identifying the key challenges and actions required. The Commission was set up under the ILO’s Future of Work Centenary Initiative, launched by the ILO Director-General in 2013 and is set to culminate in the ILO centenary celebrations in 2019. South African, Mthunzi Mdwaba, ex Vice President of BUSA, serves as the ex officio employer representative on the Commission.

Commenting on the appointment of President Ramaphosa, BUSA stated that the appointment recognises the influence and contribution of South Africa to the global deliberations on the future of work.

“The appointment of President Ramaphosa to the Global Commission on the Future of Work, cements South Africa’s position as a global influencer in the future of work. We believe this appointment will operate as a sign of confidence in the South African economy ”, stated BUSA CEO, Tanya Cohen.

BUSA stated that it has been working with the ILO and social partners over the past three years to evaluate the impact and opportunities emerging as a result of technological change, demographic shifts, globalisation and new, diverse forms of employment. South Africa’s mixed economy and positioning in Africa makes it uniquely placed to engage on these issues, stated BUSA.

BUSA is the South African business representative at the ILO. Together with COSATU, FEDUSA and NACTU, who represent organised labour, and Government they make up the tripartite constituents representing South Africa at the ILO.

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