9 May 2022

Business Unity SA (BUSA) Statement on Operation Vulindlela’s Progress

Business has taken note of the report from Operation Vulindlela on the progress made in implementing some of the structural reforms required to attract investment and put our country on a path to sustained and inclusive economic growth. Business has supported the work of Operation Vulindlela, and we consider this to be a successful bilateral arrangement between government and business to enable progress and implementation. We believe Operation Vulindlela has done excellent work  we note the reforms marked as “completed” and also note the excellent work done by Operation Vulindlela in this.


However, Operation Vulindlela is not mandated to ensure different departments in government use the reforms to implement necessary actions to enable the private sector to drive business through this. An example is the embedded generation ceiling. We welcomed the announcement by President Ramaphosa of the raising of the ceiling to 100MW. However, private sector generators of power are still being hampered by inappropriate processes and regulations in NERSA, which make it difficult to act on the reform. We find similar issues with the Critical Skills List and other reforms.


The issue is thus the capability and commitment of government departments to clear red tape hampering business leveraging off the reforms.


BUSA is in discussion with government on how we can help unblock implementation and cutting red tape to attract investment, grow our economy, and create sustainable jobs. Our country’s severe socio-economic problems can only be solved this way! The business is eager to work with the government as a reliable and trustworthy partner!



Cas Coovadia

Business Unity SA CEO


For more information, please contact:

Sizwe Maswanganye

Tel: 011 784 8000

Email: sizwe.maswanganye@busa.org.za

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