BUSA notes the announcement by President Ramaphosa of the reshuffling of his cabinet. We believe a review of his cabinet was necessary, given the state of our economy, a lack of direction in the critical interventions needed for investment and growth, as well as the recent attempt to destabilize the state.
We will strive to work positively with the Ministers appointed, particularly in the Finance, Health, Defence, Human settlements, Water and sanitation and Communications ministries. We welcome the firing of the Minister of Defence but expected similar action against the other security and intelligence ministers, given the significant weaknesses in these areas during the recent insurrection.
We welcome the appointment of Mondli Gungubele as Minister in the Presidency as he has the stature to play a critical role in that office. We also welcome the appointment of Sydney Mufamadi as National Security Advisor.
We welcome the appointment of a panel to investigate the weaknesses in the security cluster during the recent violence and insurrection is well overdue.
We would have wanted to see a reduction in the size of the Cabinet because we don’t think we need an executive of this size to undertake the responsibilities of state. We remain convinced there is room for greater efficiencies.
Having said this, the critical issue on implementation remains. Ministers must ensure their departments are professional and skilled to implement critical programs and convert policies to implementation.
Cas Coovadia
Business Unity SA CEO
For more information, please contact:
Sizwe Maswanganye
Tel: 011 784 8000
Email: sizwe.maswanganye@busa.org.za