8 December 2022

Joint business statement on load shedding

The Energy Council of South Africa, Business Unity South Africa, and Business Leadership South Africa (BLSA) would like to state our concern about the current status of load shedding experienced across the country.

Load shedding is hugely detrimental to our economy and all citizens. The elevated stages, such as currently being experienced, present a major safety and security risk to assets, businesses, and ordinary citizens.

We strongly urge that it is a time for calm and well-executed actions, and we express our support for Eskom leadership and staff who are managing through this crisis. We call on business, labour, and civil society to help wherever possible by reducing electricity demand to relieve pressure on the grid.

We urge Eskom to take all the necessary steps to mitigate a further deepening of the crisis. We further call on government to fund adequate and reliable diesel supply for our national peaking generators, which are critical to ensuring that Eskom can best manage a stable grid and mitigate a further escalation in load shedding levels. Although this is a short-term measure, it is an important bridge for the ongoing maintenance work and unplanned outages over the next six months.

Business will continue to support the electricity crisis plan and is committed to being proactive in resolving the electricity crisis.

South Africa will end load shedding through collaboration and working together to achieve a sustainable and reliable electricity system.



Issued by:

Business Unity South Africa

Energy Council of South Africa

Business Leadership South Africa


For more information, please contact:

Sizwe Maswanganye

Tel: 011 784 8000/0766516444

Email: sizwe.maswanganye@busa.org.za

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