25 March 2020

The Solidarity Fund Uniting South Africa Against COVID-19

On Monday night President Cyril Ramaphosa announced the creation of the Solidarity Fund.  The Solidarity Fund is designed to unite the nation and to accelerate the country’s response to COVID-19.

The focus of the fund is to alleviate the suffering and distress caused by the virus on our country and will mobilise the support of business and civil society in support of government’s efforts in response to COVID-19.

Government has made an initial R150 million available as seed funding and a number of businesses will be contributing within the next few days.

The Chairperson of the Fund is Ms Gloria Serobe and the Vice Chairperson is Mr. Adrian Enthoven. The fund will be independently administered and transparently governed through an independent board to ensure that the funds are effectively and efficiently used to combat COVID-19.

The fund will be a rapid response vehicle through which contributions from citizens, communities, business and international donors can be pooled together to primarily fund four key initiatives:

  • Prevent: preventative and supporting measures to “flatten the curve” by lowering infection rates
  • Detect: detect and understand the magnitude of the infection problem
  • Care: assist with the management of those people in hospital or medical care
  • Support: support those people whose lives are disrupted by COVID-19.

Organized business is assisting with the initial formation of the fund and thereafter the board which is being appointed will take full responsibility for the fund and its activities.

“We all remain concerned about the impact of COVID-19 on South Africa. This Solidarity Fund will unite the nation to fund and accelerate our response to the virus and ensure the ongoing welfare of the South African people. I urge everyone to contribute to the Solidarity Fund.  In this way, as a country, we are able to quickly and comprehensively deal with the challenges faced as a result of COVID-19 in order to limit its longer-term impact”, said the President of Busa, Sipho Pityana.

Details on how to donate will be available on the Fund’s website www.solidarityfund.co.za


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